Was back at the GP today to get my blood test results and I should've remembered to make a booking - would've saved waiting the 40 minutes in the waiting room for what ended up being a 5 minute consult (actually I'm not sure if it lasted 5 minutes because my GP is ever so quick with what she does that I hardly closed the door of the room and was ready to go - but that's part of the reason I like seeing her because the last thing I like doing is to dwell on whether I might be sick or not or have something wrong with me which takes an hour long diagnosis to work out).
The two main things I had to check up on post birth were my Vitamin D levels and Iron levels which thankfully had returned to normal levels (yes! I can stop popping those supplements - I'm really not a pill person!) So as we were going through the rest of blood test results, all seemed to be fine until she got to the cholesterol levels. 'You might want to cut back on the junk food' was her first comment and 'Perhaps cook with olive oil' at home being the second. I was curious as to whether the reading was too high but then she promptly follows with 'You have a baby and you're breastfeeding, try to enjoy life, nothing you need to worry about'.
Admittedly I might not have been watching my diet particularly well since the bub has come along. Tiredness and lack of energy are to blame but with a cholesterol reading significantly higher than what it was pre-birth, it's probably time to cut back on the junk. And yes, that last pack of salt and vinegar chips were promptly polished off straight afterwards for me to start being good. They say to get rid of all those things that stop you from eating well but it wasn't as if I was going to chuck that last pack in the bin. That would be a complete waste. And as the doctor said, I should try to enjoy life.
Oh how the doctor's advice just made my day!
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