Sunday, January 4, 2015

112/365 - we have a squealer!

I didn't pay much attention to it when it first happened. He looked at me so charmingly, smiled and out came a squeal. It was really very cute! Now it's been a couple of days now and every time he's happy and/or excited, the squeals come frequently. There's been times where it's reached an ear-piecing octave and my hubby has shuddered from afar. When I mean ear-piercing, it's like when someone scratches their nails on a blackboard repeatedly and yes, it's been getting a little annoying.

Mr Google tells me that this is quite normal for a 3-4 month old. Apparently it's when babies find their voice and when a baby discovers something for the first time, they find it fascinating and keep doing it. They like the repetition. Various mums on various forums say that it comes and goes, other's have had a squealing child till their toddler years. My husband keeps looking at me each time he squeals and I keep telling him it's not me, he's learnt it himself. Babies are certainly smart little things!

Well squealing aside, I really can't complain. The bub has been eating and sleeping well. Going out in the hot weather hasn't been great, it's made him rather fidgety and cranky but most of the time I think it's mum and dad getting fidgety and cranky too from the weather. We went out for a friend's BBQ on Saturday and by the time we came home, the whole family was pooped, bub fell asleep all sprawled out over the sofa, dad was curled into a ball. I managed to stay awake till that night where I conked out and didn't wake till 10 the next morning. I'm hoping for some more moderate weather to return soon!

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